At Zayouna Law Firm, we really take the time and go the extra step to get personally acquainted with our clients and their situations.
Schedule a Free ConsultationAn orthopaedic injury or fracture is an injury sustained to the musculoskeletal system, which includes the joints, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act of 1997 now houses the orthopaedic injury law. The law was nestled previously under the Tort Law of Canada in 1860. The orthopaedic injury law enables you to seek financial compensation for damages that you have incurred from the injury.
The loss of wages and medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering, are used to determine your eligibility for damages. Our orthopaedic injury lawyers can help strengthen your case and ensure all facts are accurately presented and in your best interests.
Our Zayouna legal team handles all communications with the liable party, including negotiations and settlements. Orthopaedic injury law is a mandatory clause for registered businesses in Canada. As [e]stablishing liability with an individual may require court proceedings, our free consultation will help you understand your legal routes and options.
Orthopedic fractures range from mild to severe and debilitating. These injuries can cause you to lose wages. Even if this loss is only temporary, you are entitled to seek damages for any financial costs that arose because of your oprthopaedic injury.
The law is imperative to the process of establishing entitlement and liability. Our dedicated legal representative can help explain the process of presenting and negotiating your claim. They are the professionals who stay current in their knowledge of all the legal changes or amendments. You will have peace of mind that your legal counsel has presented the best argument at the negotiation table, and the liable party is presenting you a fair offer for settlement.
If you have any questions and would like to schedule a call with our legal team for a FREE no-obligation consultation, contact us now. During this call, you can ask any questions as it relates to your accident and/or claim and we'll discuss your options and possible outcomes.
Using our free consultation can provide you with legal advice that you will need if you have sustained an orthopaedic injury or fracture.
Liability is determined through negotiations or by trial if necessary. Our lawyer will always present the best evidence possible to represent your claim and help you seek a fair settlement.
The liable party may also undermine your suffering and present you with a dismal offer with pressure tactics heavily applied to coerce you into signing off and accepting their low-ball offer. Having an esteemed lawyer from Zayouna Law Firm in your corner will let the negligent party know you intend on pursuing a fair and just settlement.
If you have suffered an orthopaedic injury, you can immediately reach out to counsel and inquire about your rights. Zayouna Law Firm provides our potential clients with a free consultation.
We operate strictly on the basis that we are there to win for you. Our lawyers require no retainer fee for our consulting. We receive payment for our service upon your agreement to settle with the liable party. Our team uses every available resource to secure your win.
Our Zayouna legal representative handles all communication between the liable party and you. We will ensure that every aspect of the law is upheld through the negotiations process.
As our lawyer navigates through the legal process of establishing liability and then a settlement amount, they provide you with plausible outcomes for your case.
Zayouna Law Firm consists dedicated professionals who are committed to our mission statement: ‘Results, Relationships, and Recovery.
Our team is 100% in your corner. We will always advise you on the best possible route of action for pursuing monetary compensation for your orthopaedic injury. At Zayouna Law Firm, we display our confidence by offering our potential clients the free opportunity to discuss the unique details of their situation. Our goal is to provide advice on the best course of action to attain a financial settlement or determine liability.
When you agree to have our orthopaedic injury lawyer represent you, our team begins diligently building your case and instructing you on the next course of action legally required. We help solidify your claim to fair compensation from a liable party.
call us 416 622-4357 for available Claim options
We are here 24/7 to address your injury case. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation.
We are here 24/7 to address your injury case. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation.
or if you prefer fill out online form and we will repond within 24 hours.
There is no set amount for damages being awarded for an orthopaedic injury. There is an assessment process that provides an analytical outlook on the extent of the injury and the possible future complications on the injured person in the long term. Those factors are used to determine any eligibility.
As with all injury claims within Canada, there is a set timeline of 2-years after the accident that caused the orthopaedic injury, or fracture. The claim must be filed within that period to be considered for compensation.
There is no definitive answer for this. The process can be quick, within days, or lengthy, months or longer. The circumstances will vary by the situation. That is why we advise you to contact our legal team immediately after sustaining the orthopedic injury. We will try our best to ensure that your case advances through the legal proces seamlessly, without any evidence being overlooked or dismissed.
At Zayouna Law Firm, we have assembled a team of professionals dedicated to serving seriously injured clients with knowledge and sensitivity. Collectively, our highly skilled personal injury lawyers bring decades of experience to the work of helping thousands of injured clients return their lives to their pre-accident state.
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